General information about company

Scrip code509567
Name of the companyGoa Carbon Limited
Whether company is SMENo
Class of SecurityEquity Shares
Type of reportQuarterly
Quarter Ended / Half year ended/Date of Report (For Prelisting / Allotment)31-12-2016
Date of allotment / extinguishment (in case Capital Restructuring selected) / Listing Date
Shareholding pattern filed underRegulation 31 (1) (b)

Sr. No.


1Whether the Listed Entity has issued any partly paid up shares? No
2Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Convertible Securities ? No
3Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Warrants ? No
4Whether the Listed Entity has any shares against which depository receipts are issued? No
5Whether the Listed Entity has any shares in locked-in? No
6Whether any shares held by promoters are pledge or otherwise encumbered? No
7Whether company has equity shares with differential voting rights? No

Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities

Category (I)Category of shareholder (II)Nos. Of shareholders (III)No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
No of Voting (XIV) RightsTotal as a % of (A+B+C)
Class eg: XClass eg:yTotal
(A)Promoter & Promoter Group55499279549927960.095499279549927960.09
(C)Non Promoter- Non Public
(C1)Shares underlying DRs
(C2)Shares held by Employee Trusts

Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities

Category (I)Category of shareholder (II)No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities ( as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Locked in shares (XII)Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)
No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)
(A)Promoter & Promoter Group60.095499279
(C)Non Promoter- Non Public
(C1)Shares underlying DRs
(C2)Shares held by Employee Trusts

Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

Sr.Category & Name of the Shareholders (I)Nos. Of shareholders (III)No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
No of Voting (XIV) RightsTotal as a % of Total Voting rights
Class eg: XClass eg:yTotal
ATable II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
(a)Individuals/Hindu undivided Family33959393959394.333959393959394.33
(d)Any Other (specify)25103340510334055.775103340510334055.77
Sub-Total (A)(1)55499279549927960.095499279549927960.09
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 55499279549927960.095499279549927960.09
BTable III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder
(f)Financial Institutions/ Banks1312058120580.1312058120580.13
(i)Any Other (specify)15505500.015505500.01
Sub-Total (B)(1)1412608126080.1412608126080.14
( 3 )Non-institutions
(a(i))Individuals - i.Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs. 149462721306272130629.742721306272130629.74
(a(ii))Individuals - ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs.243331433310.4743331433310.47
(e)Any Other (specify)8058745288745289.568745288745289.56
Sub-Total (B)(3)157533639165363916539.773639165363916539.77
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)157673651773365177339.913651773365177339.91
CTable IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder
Total ( A+B+C2 )157729151052915105210091510529151052100
Total (A+B+C )157729151052915105210091510529151052100

Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

Sr.No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities ( as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Locked in shares (XII)Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)
No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)
ATable II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
Sub-Total (A)(1)60.095499279
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 60.095499279
BTable III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder
Sub-Total (B)(1)0.1411423
( 3 )Non-institutions
Sub-Total (B)(3)39.773248117
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)39.913259540
CTable IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder
Total ( A+B+C2 )1008758819
Total (A+B+C )1008758819

Individuals/Hindu undivided Family

Searial No.123
Name of the Shareholders (I)Mr. Shrinivas V. DempoMr. Shrinivas Vasudeva DempoMr. Shrinivas Vasudeva Dempo and Mrs. Pallavi Shrinivas DempoClick here to go back
PAN (II)Total
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)3391392940027400395939
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)3391392940027400395939
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)3.710.320.34.33
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg:X3391392940027400395939
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights3.710.320.34.33
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(Xi)(a) As a % of (A+B+C2)3.710.320.34.33
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)3391392940027400395939
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN

Any Other (specify)

Searial No.12
CategoryBodies CorporateBodies CorporateClick here to go back
Name of the Shareholders (I)M/s. V. S. Dempo Holdings Pvt. Ltd.M/s. Motown Investments Pvt. Ltd.
PAN (II)Total
No. of the Shareholders (I)112
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)5069040343005103340
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)5069040343005103340
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)55.390.3755.77
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X5069040343005103340
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights55.390.3755.77
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)55.390.3755.77
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)5069040343005103340
Reason for not providing PAN

Any Other (specify)

Searial No.1
Category / More than 1 percentageCategoryClick here to go back
Name of the Shareholders (I)Unit Trust of India
PAN (II)Total
No. of the Shareholders (I)11
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)550550
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)550550
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)0.010.01
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X550550
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights0.010.01
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and Warrants (X)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)0.010.01
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)00
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN

Any Other (specify)

Searial No.1234567
CategoryTrustsHUFNRI – Non- RepatNRI – RepatDirector or Director's RelativesClearing MembersBodies Corporate
Category / More than 1 percentageCategoryCategoryCategoryCategoryCategoryCategoryCategory
Name of the Shareholders (I)
No. of the Shareholders (I)122857531221244
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)10011241477539417724000221917416786
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)10011241477539417724000221917416786
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)01.230.850.460.042.434.55
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X10011241477539417724000221917416786
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights01.230.850.460.042.434.55
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)01.230.850.460.042.434.55
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)10011241472779417520221917413774
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN

Any Other (specify)

Searial No.
Category / More than 1 percentage
Name of the Shareholders (I)Click here to go back
PAN (II)Total
No. of the Shareholders (I)805
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)874528
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)874528
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)9.56
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X874528
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights9.56
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)9.56
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)862736
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN

Details of Shares which remain unclaimed for Public

Searial No.Number of shareholdersOutstanding shares held in demat or unclaimed suspense accountvoting rights which are frozenDisclosure of notes on shares which remain unclaimed for public shareholders
113183153431534Textual Information(1)

Text Block

Textual Information(1)Shares held in "Goa Carbon Limited Suspense Account" - 31534 Equity Shares held by 1318 Shareholders on which voting rights have been frozen.